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Workflow Action to be executed based on a condition
Hi folks, I'm trying to configure a simple Create Record Workflow Action, operated from a Custom Button, but I need the action to be executed only if there is a value in one of the fields in the source record.

The button is associated with the LEADS table, and it generates records in several other tables: BOOKINGS and DOCS/FILES. I need to create one record in DOCS/FILES for each of the four "File Attachment" columns in the LEAD record - but ONLY if the column is not null/blank - because I have a Validation Rule in the DOCS/FILE table that prevents records without a value in the "File Attachment" column.

I tried a simple formula in the Assignment from LEAD to DOCS/FILES for column "File Attachment1":
Nz([File Attachment1]) but it would not allow me to save the Assignment configuration.

Ideally what I want is NOT TO RUN any of the Workflow Actions for Attachment1, 2 or 3 when the corresponding column in LEADS is 'null'.

Can this be done??


Luison Lassala
Date Created
9/17/2024 12:13:20 PM
Date Updated
9/18/2024 6:54:47 AM
Andrew Winters 9/17/2024 12:59:58 PM
Could you try doing a chain of executable workflows triggers/actions? Initially, the button is filtered to only be available if the first file attachment is not null. When clicked, workflow action then creates your record in the the other tables, also passing a value to these new records "true/false", depending on whether Attachment 2 is null. That True/False column that was just passed will then be a filter condition for a new record creation trigger. If triggered, this will trigger creation of your next new record, etc.
cooper collier  9/17/2024 1:23:02 PM
Mr. Winters suggestion sounds promising. If it does not work out, email me and we can arrange a remote to look at it. Your explanation of the problem can be confusing, a second set of eyes on your actual setup may help.

Luison Lassala 9/17/2024 2:05:55 PM
Thanks Andrew and Cooper.
Slava has offered a solution similar to what Andrew proposes here:
"You'll need to update the record status using a custom button. Then, perform the remaining actions using record change triggers on that status change with the proper filter condition."
I'll try that and confirm here if it works - I think it will.
Luison Lassala 9/18/2024 3:06:15 AM
Hi guys, the suggestions you made worked perfectly well. I execute an Update Record Action (If Attachment exists, set checkbox column to TRUE), for every Attachment file in the record, with a Button in the LEADS record. Every Update Record Action then triggers a Create New Doc/File record Action. So all good. Thanks for your advice!
Andrew Winters 9/18/2024 6:54:47 AM
Glad it worked!
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