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Receive replies from emails in TeamDesk
Hi folks, I know this might be a dumb question, but one of my clients is asking and rather than answer a categorical "Not possible" I thought I'd ask here first.

When a user sends a Workflow Action Email Alert, is it possible to log any received replies back into TeamDesk? I guess what they would like to have is an audit trail of all the email correspondence with their customers.
Currently they have a trail of all Email Alerts sent, thanks to the "BCC" column and trigger in the Mailbox table that creates a SENTMAIL record under the recipient Client record.
My client would like to also store under the Client record any replies to those email sent from TeamDesk - i.e. to turn TeamDesk into some kind of Email mailbox 'client'.

Please forgive my ignorance regarding database and mail-clients integration. I've seen quite a tight integration between Salesforce and GMail/Outlook - but I presume that functionality does not exist for TeamDesk, does it?

Luison Lassala
Date Created
9/5/2024 4:42:02 PM
Date Updated
9/6/2024 4:24:24 AM
Scott Miller 9/6/2024 3:45:49 AM
Hi Luison

One simplistic method for achieving this is to email the database directly. If you head into setup/tools you will see an option 'E-mail to Database'. This will contain the email address you can use to send emails in to TD. The idea is that emails will have this address cc'd or bcc'd so they enter TD.

An improvement on this is to use an email redirect (not a forward). Let's say you assign an email address '' and redirect all email sent to this address to the TD email address. Any emails that you generate from TD can have '' automatically cc'd and as long as the recipient replies to all the emails with this cc emails will continue hitting TD. You can add a note to the footer of your emails to say 'please ensure your emails retain the email address in all correspondence'.

To process the email received you can either use an email address or when you send the email initially just make sure you add the Id of the record to the subject. So for example if the email relates to a Case make sure the Subject contains 'Case Id - XXXXX' as you can extract this and use a workflow trigger to relate to a Case.

This is one method. Hope it helps
Luison Lassala 9/6/2024 4:24:24 AM
Wow!! So simple!! Thanks a million @Sott - I really appreciate the suggestions
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