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Views -Select Criteria display grid as rows not columns
Hi all ,
What is the best option to display the Select Criteria filters as rows instead of columns ?
If anyone could share the css script or html will appreciate :) .Thank you .


Dan ktl Mereanu
Date Created
6/10/2024 1:20:17 PM
Date Updated
6/19/2024 5:38:01 PM
cooper collier  6/10/2024 1:25:21 PM
The image you attached, showed everything in a row?

Is it possible that you want the choices that display when you hit a down arrow to be in a row??

Dan ktl Mereanu 6/10/2024 1:28:15 PM
might be a choice indeed :) .Any script will be helpful as a guide , to be fair .Thank you .
cooper collier  6/10/2024 2:13:37 PM
I have NEVER done this, so it is just a guide to get you going the "hopefully" correct way.

I did some checking, the easiest way to do this is add the "size" tag to the <SELECT> in HTML.
The Select box is generated by TEAMDESK and we do not have the ability to directly change it.

It may be possible to do using a combination of Javascript and CSS.

Check the documentation. You need to make a JavaScript and CSS file in resources

Then you will need to make a javascript to inject the Size tag. Something like this

function modifySelectElement(
) {
let selectElement = document.querySelector("#mySelect");
selectElement.setAttribute("size", selectElement.options.length);

Once that works, you can make CSS to make the choices in a row.

This is something I looked up, so it may or may not be correct.

select {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
width: fit-content;
border: none;
background-color: transparent;

select option {
margin-right: 0.5rem;

and hope it works!!!

Let me know if this helps in any way?

Kirill Bondar  Staff  6/11/2024 3:59:51 PM
With CSS:

#frm_param dl.ui-col {
/* let browser determine the width */
width: auto;
#frm_param div.clear {
/* do not break to next row */
clear: none;
cooper collier  6/11/2024 4:29:24 PM
Nice to hear from you.
I tried this on one of my databases and I cannot make it work.
I tried it without edits an then I changed the frm_param to the forms ID like this

#f_6922563 dl.ui-col {
/* let browser determine the width */
width: auto;
#f_6922563 div.clear {
/* do not break to next row */
clear: none;
Dan ktl Mereanu 6/19/2024 5:38:01 PM
Hi Cooper ,
CSS script from Kirill is working perfect .You don't need to call the form ID .
Thank you Kirill !:)
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