calvin peters 8/7/2023 10:42:05 AM So, it is still a 2-click process to get it to the printer but when the button is clicked it generates a "ready-to-print" state by openning the printer client on the terminal (forgive my poor computereze and programming terms were never a strong suit for me) Basically the document image is rendered on the screen using the printer client rather than performing a download-and-save action. You can set that up uisng the "DOCUMENT SETUP" form and under "OUTPUT FORMAT" select PDF or WORDand below that check-off "SEND TO PRINTER" and "BREAK on NEW RECORD". That 2nd one ensures that each new record is rendered on it's own document rather than running them all together as a single "page". As for printing labels specifically, that's not anything I've attempted to do and I assume it's something that is formatted within the WORD.docx merge doc. The "SEND to PRINTER" is only available with the PDF OUTPUT FORMAT and I'm not sure how any specific WORD label formatting translates to PDF. This is the section from HELP regarding DOCUMENTS: section states "...If you select Output Format as PDF, Send to printer option becomes available. With this option checked, click on a document’s button, instead of prompting to download the file will open browser’s print preview frame." There are some caveates to it's function like no Android support and some Mac OS bug but otherwise it's less clicking and navigating than the download default setup. Hope that helps Mike... When you first create the document it is defaulted to the download state |