Using (since yesterday) a third party mailing service with TeamDesk API calling features, the thing I miss the most is the capacity to integrate in my mails the views generated by TeamDesk (the full content, not only the link). It would be great to have a function translating any TeamDesk view into some format which could be put used in these emails APIs.
It would also be great - as mentioned by Nick in another thread - to have the formatted text of TeamDesk (with the colors) in an HTML format.
Maybe this exists already in TeamDesk. If you have found a way to do this could you please share it ?
Kind regards,
ID 1420
Category Integration/API
Date Created 2/26/2021 12:20:12 PM
Date Updated 2/27/2021 1:50:49 PM
Status New Idea
Score 10
Promoted By
Pierre 2/27/2021 1:50:49 PM
Digging into it, I understand this can be done it forming JSON tables using the TeamDesk-API Select method + some html. If you have any experience in this that you could share, I would be grateful.