Dean Robieson 11/26/2020 4:26:10 PM Hi Brett.
In my case, there is a finite number of different models of scale we sell. My STANDARD MODELS table’s unique field is ‘model number’, so each model can only be entered in this table once. The table contains ‘global’ information about the particular model such as a checkbox that indicates if that particular model is one we offer for sale on our website, or not.
In my SCALES table, there is a record added for every set of scales we bring into the country, and the record contains info specific to the particular scale such as our purchase date, current physical location, serial number etc.
When we add a new set of scales to the SCALES table, the model number is a field that is feed from the STANDARD MODELS table so that there can be no error made by the user. That way, I can do reliable searches on model number to see how many of a particular model I have in stock.
Now, this allows me to run a report listing oonly those models that are listed on my website (info from the Standard Models table) , and a count of how many sets is scales I have in stock (info from the scales table).
Only problem is the report will only list the models PROVIDED I have at least 1 set of that model of scales currently in stock. Unfortunately, I am most interested in finding out if I have models that are listed with a stock level of zero.
Thanks for your help.