anyone know how to include items with 0 values in a chart ?
suppose I have a table of products and a table of orders which is related to the products.
I want to have a chart of products with #orders. Currently only products with orders is shown in the chart. I want ALL products to be shown, even those with #orders = 0.
is this possible ?
thanks Nick
ID 1291
Category TeamDesk
Nick Ashcroft
Date Created 6/26/2019 1:04:48 PM
Date Updated 6/26/2019 2:00:06 PM
Slava Shinderov Staff 6/26/2019 1:07:03 PM
Please try to built such report from products table.
Nick Ashcroft 6/26/2019 2:00:06 PM
sorry - you're right. I was using the Products but had something wrong in the filtering thanks