Nope have not done it for credit processing..
I have just been testing API integration's all weekend. Working on the MAP issue that was in one of last weeks posting. USING curl API for credit cards is technically no different!
Here is how I have been testing..API's
1. Get an API key.
2. Build a request in something like notepad+ or notepad, I found this is way faster than initially doing it in teamdesk.
In the case of stripe it will look like this \ -u sk_test_BQokikJOvBiI2HlWgH4olfQ2: \ -d amount=400 \ -d currency=usd \ -d source=tok_17hIb42eZvKYlo2CguRWHS8Z \ -d description="Charge for"
YOU have to replace the -u key with the API key that belongs to you.
Now just copy that to the address bar on a web page. You should get a response.
The response can be in JSON or XML. I prefer xml its easier for me to read. But json is ok . Here is a response from a map call I was working on last night....
(function (b, d,a){window[b]=new function(){var f=window.alert,c=window.confirm,g=window.prompt,e=function(a){a.namespace=b;window.postMessage(a,"*")};this.set=function(b,c){b==d&&(a=c)};window.alert=function(b){var c=a.blockalert||a.renderalert||!1;e({alert:{blocked:c,message:b?b.toString():""}});return c?!1:f(b)};window.confirm=function(b){var d=a.blockconfirm||!1;e({confirm:{blocked:d,message:b?b.toString():""}});return d?!1:c(b)};window.prompt=function(b,c){var d=a.blockprompt||!1;e({prompt:{blocked:d,message:b? b.toString():"",def:c}});return d?!1:g(b,c)}}})("n8990527128335088", "6688882592134178", {"blockalert":true,"blockconfirm":false,"blockprompt":false,"renderalert":false});
<imageAltText>© 2015 MapQuest, Inc.</imageAltText>
<text>© 2015 MapQuest, Inc.</text>
Each <section> can be extracted and put into a teamdesk column.
Once you have the format of the URL working. Put it into TeamDesk.
Make a new table. Put two fields in it, One a text call it name.
The second is a text multi-line call it full response
Now make a new button. Set the action to Call URL
Put the URL you just tested into it.
Make an assign with Responce() => full response.
go to the database, make a new record, type something in the name and save it.
view the record, click the button you made.
see if you get the response!
IF you do, your on the way!!
You can make a request to the processor
and get the response!
Then its all in the details.
I recommend making an API Key variable, makes it much easier. [stripe api]
the Teamdesk "Call URL" action uses the <%[column]%> format to insert fields into the url.
So your call URL can be \ -u sk_test_<%[stripe api}%> \ -d a......
ps.. glad you asked, it reminded me a client wants to do this exact thing with stripe, now I can tell them, it can be done, when I have time!