Two things: 1: Being able to add a section within a section would/could help reduce clutter and white space. 2: Instead of header of section in full background fill colour, only the Heading name to be coloured - like the new views tabs section (when related to a record) where the name of the Tab is coloured.
Forms GUI enhancement.pdf
ID 905
Category User Experience
Date Created 9/21/2015 9:27:56 PM
Date Updated 4/5/2016 6:18:19 PM
Status New Idea
Score 40
Promoted By
Michael Till
Scott Miller
martin oliver
basenine 4/5/2016 6:18:19 PM
and 3: Being able to select which of the 4 columns you'd like to place the section. I have an instance where putting a section in the far right, on it's own would perform better