I do not understand..
here is the relations for my table.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/9d0cbvmut2twsnp/relations.png?dl=0this is the details for the relation
https://www.dropbox.com/s/v2qmd4ysdzccxn8/relation-detail.png?dl=0Looking at the details, the relation has a name. (this seems to only be used as a box in the detail page. We typically do not bother typing in this box, because its simply not used anywhere....)
i also see the alternative view. it is used as the label when viewing records. Its very handy for the user. We use it all the time.
Neither of them help with programming.
I look in relations and there is a list of relations.
as the complexity grows, I may link to the "pro facility" table multiple times.
So I can look down the list and see the name. "Pro Facility, list of Pharmacies for the home" or
"ProFacility, main medical clinic "... NO! I cannot do that..
We have to carefully read down the list, and count, and make sure its the exact one.
(I know its a minor thing, but you have the relation name field already, its just not used anywhere?"
I have already accidentally picked the wrong one.
So far that has only happened with lookups.
So the users contact us, "why is it displaying a list of "florists" in the "dental" section.
OH wow, Hmmm, Let me look... one second..
"oops, click click, fix click fix"
HEY, I see, you must of accidentally displayed the wrong sub-index in the time capacitor field.
USER: "what?"
ME: just try try it again...
USER: Oh wow, its correct now, Sorry to bug you.
ME: No problem, that's what i am here for!!