Make a drag and drop interface for end users to be able to quickly devlop a simple db
Hi as above, This will still allow developers to get work in customization and training as a lot of people don't have time and money nor inclination to develop the whole thing. They will get to a point and go, you know what I don't have time for this I need help. As many of the teamdeskcompetitors in online database software do this now.
ID 855
Category User Experience
Darren Osborne
Date Created 4/5/2015 3:52:30 PM
Date Updated 4/7/2015 7:29:33 AM
Status New Idea
Score 10
Promoted By
Darren Osborne
Robert Gustavsson 4/7/2015 7:29:33 AM
In my experience, most competitors with sexier drag & drop interfaces quickly bring you to a halt once you are trying to implement some kind of logic and functionality.