calvin peters 7/13/2015 10:00:00 AM Actually the reference to "on the fly" isn't so much about being instant like a resident app, but rather is a reference to having the ability to keep a data table dynamically current rather than being a static representation that needs to be built and then just used as a reference list of unique combinations of data. Think "parts list" where one small part may have 8 different variants available with 30 sub-variations under each of the 8 mains. 1st select 1 of the 8 unique main options (rather than selecting from 1920 options of what is really only 8 unique values), then with a forced refresh of the screen somehow (like an enter button beside the column) have the 90 subvariations be filtered to display only the 30 unique associated values.
Being able to reference a dataset with multiple duplicate values and display only the unique values would greatly reduce data entry and maintenance.
The issue I'm having is that with dependent dropdowns currently I cannot display only unique values to select from.
The refresh button in "ask the user" queries accomplishes this task and the "aggregate options" section under "Summary Relationships" is capable of displaying the number of unique values in a column so it seems to me that displaying those unique values in some form of selectable list can't be that dissimilar.