basenine 4/2/2014 5:58:33 AM Actually...this one does need some more steam.
It'd actually be nice to have filters on the Actions as well as the workflow...That'd make this task easier.
I've got an "Accept" button that has some filters on it and 9 Actions attached to it: All of the Actions are to create other records that are related to the Parent record.
Sometimes I only need a "Completion" Invoice created but all 4 Invoices are created (5 records are for other things)
My only Work around at the moment will be to put a condition onto the [Quote/Order Id] assignment: If([Deposit Amount]=0, null, [Quote/Order Id])---->TO INVOICE----->[Quote/Order Id]
And then a condition on the other 8 Actions so that the Id of the record won't match the relation
But this still creates an unnecessary record (which can't be deleted with time/change Workflow rule yet(?))
So a filter on the Action would stop the creation of unnecessary records.
preese consider 😀