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Formula Creation
Could we please have an option button to create « and » « or » ( and grouping of these) funtionality without having to resort to the custom fromula creation? Too many key stroke to create formulas. We must have prepackaged forumla creation.
User Experience

Dean Guidry
Date Created
6/14/2024 1:43:45 PM
Date Updated
6/15/2024 7:13:08 AM
New Idea
Promoted By
MF BuildersDean Guidry
MF Builders 6/14/2024 3:12:16 PM
Hi Dean, I called on TeamDesk experts (Find a TeamDesk Expert) to help (for a fee) before. It seems that they could help you migrate into the TD environment and automate things for you. The economics of SAAS is that it either costs increasingly more monthly for seamless WYSIWYG drop-and-click functionality at the front end OR some costs at the back end for an expert to help you...
Dean Guidry 6/14/2024 5:21:51 PM
I think you may be right.
Dean Guidry 6/15/2024 7:13:08 AM
Current TrackVia’s entry level price is around $2500 per month for only 5 users. They are advertising a lot on YouTube I’ve noticed. Great platform but now only for the big companies. I jumped on the platform at its early stages and grew with them for a long time. Then they announced this new pricing structure. I recall my cost at one time was less than $100 per month and for that I had like 15 users.
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