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Color graphs
I have a graph of aging data.
On y axis number of items, x axis number of days aged of each.
I want to color the graph If <10 days aging = green, 10-20 days amber, >20 days red.
This on the face of it is not complex but it currently does not appear to be possible.
Any ideas?

User Experience

John Gordon
Date Created
6/7/2024 4:23:35 AM
Date Updated
6/7/2024 8:55:50 AM
calvin peters 6/7/2024 8:55:50 AM
At a guess I would think the problem you're encountering is with the limits to colorization based on grouping and chart type. Bar charts , for whatever reason , don't support colorization using reference to columns:
The error is: Row colorization formula for this chart type can not use columns

I don't really understand it either but if you switch to a pie chart and use some formula like ToDays(Today()-[your date column] <10, "fav color here", ToDays(Today()-[your date column] <20, "next fav color here", etc

I think you'll get what yo're after...

place your formula in the ADVANCED OPTIONS section of your view setup form...but you likely already got that far to get to this question I imagine...

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