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Common filter for several views on a dashboard
Problem: Often you need to create the same dashboard for different users/departments/regions to show their own records or you wish to see the existing dashboard with some additional filter displaying it only for a particular customer or period. Now you need to create a copy of each view and place it on the new dashboard.

Solution: To address that problem (to eliminate additional dashboard/view creation) I’d suggest to add the new "Matching" section to the dashboard:

If any criteria is specified then the system will apply that filter to ALL view sections which display a view from given table on the dashboard. If the filter contains "Ask the User" option then the interactive "Select Criteria" section will be displayed at the top of the dashboard:

The "Execute Query" button, in that case, will reload ALL views on the dashboard.
User Experience

Slava Shinderov  Staff 
Date Created
6/8/2015 7:27:53 AM
Date Updated
10/24/2021 4:57:27 PM
Promoted By
basenineInge BakkenRick Cogley
Michael Ver DuinSam ParishPhilipp Matuschka (MMB)
martin olivergerardo garciaKelly Waters
cooper collier Gii SystemsSlava Shinderov  Staff 
Norman Houghton 7/14/2015 9:06:36 AM
Thanks a lot for this, saved a lot of time having to run 4 separate views.
Alexander Sepe 8/14/2015 12:28:37 PM
Is there any possibility to display first the filters and after clicking Execute Query to show the views? Now, by default it shows all the information in Views by default. It would be great having the possibility to select criteria and then load the views.

Philipp Matuschka (MMB) 9/9/2016 6:35:23 AM
Having just started to use this, I agree with Alex. However what would be best is if it were an option so that could say in setup which you want.

If you do happen to do that I would love to see the same option for Views.

basenine 10/24/2021 4:57:27 PM
*bump Alex's comment.

With over 8000 records to filter, there can be a delay in opening.
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