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Unit Column in Numeric Formulas
Right now you can select a type (Currency) and then put a text for the unit ($)
This is fine, cause it shows the result aligned to the right side (like it should be)

But when working with different currencies, the only way to do this, is to use a text formula with numbers aligned to the left...

It would be great if we can select the unit using a Unit Column
If there is another way to make this happen, please let me know.


Rafael Muñiz
Date Created
6/12/2020 10:43:42 AM
Date Updated
6/12/2020 1:35:51 PM
New Idea
Promoted By
Rafael Muñiz
cooper collier  6/12/2020 11:42:56 AM
if you are using the same currency for everything, you can change this in the column settings.
Scroll down and look for the Numeric Options.
You use any symbol and decide how it displays.

Decimal places
Unit position

If however, you have a situation where the column amount represents a different currency for each record. and you wish to display the correct symbol
Wood Screws, US dollars, 100 show $100
Screw Driver , Euros, 50 show 50€
Hammer, japanese yen 100 etc. etc.

Then you will have to make a formula to display it based on currency selected in each record. If you have to do it, you should probably use a Case() formula,

Rafael Muñiz 6/12/2020 11:56:08 AM
Thanks for your reply Cooper,
what you say is exactly what I'm doing.
The problem is that "text formulas" align to the left and when it comes to prices,
they are better aligned to the right...
Rafael Muñiz 6/12/2020 11:59:54 AM
Maybe I should change the title of this idea,
and aim to have the option to align left or right "text formulas"
cooper collier  6/12/2020 12:17:20 PM
OHHHHH,,, Gotcha. MY bad!

Two ways to fix this.

If you want to only have your currency column to align, then use an xhtml formula so you can add a style to it. like this
<div style="text-align:right;"> <%=[column name]%> </div>
If you want to embed a formula take the = out, but make sure you account for possible null results
<div style="text-align:right;"> <%Nz( Case([currency select],"result",[column name]))%> </div>


change the alignment universally so everything aligns the same... This is what I tend to do.
create a text file. call it dbstyles.css
add this line of text .fs-attr{text-align:right} or left...
then place it into the database resources section.
this will change it for your entire database!!
cooper collier  6/12/2020 12:18:58 PM
ps. You can also use dbstyle.css to individually format a text column, you just have to get the unique ID to do it. I think I covered it in the css tutorials

Rafael Muñiz 6/12/2020 1:35:51 PM
Thanks!!, My Bad!!, I really appreciate your support, I have already been watching the videos and opened the resources to start learning some css and xhtml. Regards!
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