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Favicon for each Application
With Windows 7 becoming mainstream and IE 9 soon to be released with the ability to pin tabs to the task bar we need to be able to upload a image to be the favicon for each app so they can be recognized, otherwise they all show the Teamdesk favicon. It could be done under the application properties by just uploading the image we want to use or use the application image already there. THIS WOULD BE VERY HELPFUL and keeping on par as technology changes. Thanks
Database Library

Bernie H Hester III - VP
Date Created
3/1/2011 2:39:01 PM
Date Updated
11/20/2018 7:59:17 AM
New Idea
Promoted By
AdminMike NelsonAydin Eke
Arnold HakobyanDannica Hayesbasenine
Rick CogleyBernie H Hester III - VPmcook
Liquid Rapid
Bernie H Hester III - VP 11/10/2010 9:37:31 AM
With most browser now using tabs it would be nice to be able to have a different favicon for your applications so they can be more easily identified in the tabs (some users have there tabs show only favicons so if you have more than one application open they are all marked with team desk favicon)
Liquid Rapid 11/10/2010 12:10:45 PM
I agree. Good idea. I do sometimes have multiple applications open at the same time. This would help with navigating.
Rick Cogley 3/1/2011 6:07:38 PM
Yeah, that makes a lot of sense to me. Good idea.
Slava Shinderov  Staff  1/14/2014 12:44:28 AM
Merged with:
383 - favicon
basenine 1/14/2014 4:15:29 AM
As suggested before with favicons:
Favicon for each Application

I think it would also be great to be able to set an icon for an iPhone home screen using the safari bookmark - add to Home screen feature.

It could be used to:
- Help set up Users with specific table access - directing them to the dashboard of that page directly from the phone Home Screen
- It could be set up with an icon that is a 'Clock' image for a "Time Sheets" table
- As above with a '$' image for "Invoices" table
- As above with a 'Home' image for ....."Home" table

I don't think you'd want to fill up the home screen with too many - probably 4. Personalising the application could simply look more professional on the phone.
I've configured a Workaround to achieve this function but an easy built in feature would be nice. I was thinking that in Table Properties, an icon function could be added...Parameters required are image size to be 114px x 114px.

If there is enough interest (promotions of idea), I'll post a 'How to" workaround 😉

In the attached image, you can see the DEFAULT add to home screen icon named 'Home - TC..." the 2nd one goes to the new Home screen, the 3rd - to Quotes/Orders (I didn't do a special icon!) and the 4th to Time Sheets
Mike Nelson 11/15/2018 2:14:39 PM
I would love to see how you worked around this. not only for each tab but getting rid of the TeamDesk icon and replacing it with our company logo would be great.

Kirill Bondar  Staff  11/20/2018 7:45:13 AM
Merged with:
709 - iPhone icons
Kirill Bondar  Staff  11/20/2018 7:59:17 AM
It turns out, nothing special is needed to make it work, just a couple of files in resources section and a piece of javascript added to dbscript.js.

Here is the path:

1. Create icon set with . Adjust appearance of your favicon, in Favicon Generator Options, on Path tab, select "I cannot or I do not want to place favicon files at the root..." and type "res.aspx" in a box below. Selecting "The web site is already in production" on "Version/Refresh" tab may be useful as well. Generate favicons.

2. Download and unpack your favicon package (step 1) and upload its content to resource section of your database, marking all files as "public". Also, copy the code from step 3 of the results. Add ' (apostrophe) at the beginning of each line and '+ at the end.

3. Add the following code to your dbscript.js

(function ($) {
var head = $("head");
// remove elements set by TeamDesk
head.find('>link[rel="shortcut icon"]').remove();
// Replace with the code made in previous step
'<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="180x180" href="res.aspx/apple-touch-icon.png">'+
'<link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="32x32" href="res.aspx/favicon-32x32.png">'+
'<link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="16x16" href="res.aspx/favicon-16x16.png">'+
'<link rel="manifest" href="res.aspx/site.webmanifest">'+
'<link rel="mask-icon" href="res.aspx/safari-pinned-tab.svg" color="#5bbad5">'+
'<link rel="shortcut icon" href="res.aspx/favicon.ico">'+
'<meta name="msapplication-TileColor" content="#da532c">'+
'<meta name="msapplication-config" content="res.aspx/browserconfig.xml">'+
'<meta name="theme-color" content="#ffffff">'

That's it.
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