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Session Variables: defined in Setup, selected and set by User
I want users to be able to be able to set "Session Variables" by selecting them at login (and being able to change to new ones later in the sesssion). I enviage presenting the user with a table of data (and/or dropdown) to choose from to select the session valiable.

These Session variables are held and can then be used ACCROSS THE SYSTEM in a manner similar to the "User/Session functions" such as User(), Table() and BackURL(). These latter two are dynamic in that they are changed during a session by the system. Session Variables should also by dynamic but changeable by the user (constrained by what is Setup for them) at any time during the session.

This New Idea may be similar similar to the line "even better - have the user, at the login screen, choose which location they're at..." in new idea #415 but is more generic.

It is complimentanry to #414, as Session Variables could be used to determine what is shown or hidden using a formula.

Examples of uses for Session Variables are:
1. Location as per #415.
2. Accounts - Allow user to act on behalf of, for example, accounts - to act in one account at a time and to select which one and change to another when complete
3. Other Users - Allow a user to act on behalf of another user (provided the other user has set a permission ) and see only that other user's info for that part of the session.

Ideally, these session variables could be placed above the line of tabs so as to be available throughout the session (or in the banner where the "create new" button is set.). if not, then second best would be to place them on a "home" tab or equivalant.

Desmond Beatty
Date Created
1/29/2011 1:55:33 AM
Date Updated
10/12/2012 9:02:49 AM
New Idea
Promoted By
David GardineerNathan WilliamsLiquid Rapid
Philipp Matuschka (MMB)basenineDesmond Beatty
Nathan Williams 10/10/2012 10:02:38 PM
You can simulate this, for example ... say you want to tables to filter by Account.

1. Create an autonumber on your account, or some unique number, lets call this account_id
2. Create a user table that has a user column (constrain unique) and a reference to account.
3. Create a lookup column on User table to account_id
4. Create a new relationship between Accounts and new User table, but do not provide any match criteria. In essense this will relate all Accounts to all Users
5. Using the new relationship, create a summary column on Account that selects only User records where User is current_user. The aggregate function set as maximum of account_id ... call this field session_account_id
6. Create a formula field on Account that compares account_id = session_account_id ... if they are equal set the value to "selected" otherwise "not selected"
7. Any table that you want to filter on Account, add a lookup column to the new formula field and filter on "selected".



8. Create a view on User table that filters User=current_user.
9. For any table where you filter, add this view to the top of the dashboard. This allows the user to easily change Accounts.
Slava Shinderov  Staff  10/12/2012 9:02:49 AM
@Nathan much easier solution would be to use "User Property Table":
You'll be able to refer ANY column from that table for current user in any formula without creating any additional relations.
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