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Reposition 'More' button in Text - Multi-line type columns
Currently, TeamDesk displays a 'More' button at the top of Text - Multi-line columns appearances whenever a value is entered under 'Lines to display' for that column's properties. It would be more intuitive for users if the button appeared at the bottom of the entry, or if setup allowed the admin to chose between bottom or top positioning.

A good example of this can be found in Facebook comment threads where a 'more' link appears whenever a user's comments continues beyond six lines. Have a look at the images of the TeamDesk and Facebook examples.

User Experience

Date Created
4/13/2010 3:57:37 PM
Date Updated
4/13/2010 4:16:32 PM
New Idea
Promoted By
Ivan Papishbaseninewalhhorn
Kirill Bondar  Staff  4/13/2010 4:17:56 PM

the position of the button is determined by Append/Prepend mode and number of lines to display.

In Append mode we display last N lines, therefore More button positioned on top - to designate that it will display the beginning of the text. In Prepend mode we display top N lines and More button follows the text.
walhhorn 4/13/2010 5:19:08 PM

The Type-In/Append/Prepend option affects the positioning of the 'More' button only within edit mode. My concern is with the positioning of the button while displaying multi-line text within a row inside a view. In this case, the button always appears at the top of the record--when it feels more intuitive for the button to appear at the bottom of the row, at the point where the flow of text breaks off. This is especially the case when the 'Data Entry' option is set to 'Type-In'.

Looking at the attached image, on the left we see the problem of the button appearing at the top of the comment field in TeamDesk, and on the right, we see a solution in Facebook's placement.

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